





A good Yuesao not only have the nursing experience, rich parenting experience, then do a good month of meals. There are a lot of skills that need to be mastered. For example, why should the diet of the moon be changed according to the constitution of the parturient? The postpartum women's diet is arranged according to the constitution of the parturient. How does the mother of the thermal constitution, the cold constitution and the neutral constitution be suitable for the moon diet? I hope to help the new mother's postpartum recovery through the introduction of this article.
       中医认为,产后必虚,产后多瘀。女人在生孩子后大多表现出阴血亏虚或瘀血内停等征象,另一方面产妇还要以乳汁喂养婴儿,所以产妇的营养补充是否得当合理很关键。因此,月嫂要知道的是,产后妈妈养身必须要辅以食疗法。食疗又称食治,是根据传统中医药学中“药食同源,药食同功”的理论,有目的地选择具有一定保健作用或治疗作用的食物,通过合理的烹调加工,以达到养身保健、防病治病、益寿延年的目的。产后妈妈的饮食应以平补阴假山制作 不锈钢铸件 铝箔真空袋 七孔梅花管 hdpe硅芯管 液压钢坝 PVC软管 飞行激光打标机 沥青保温泵阳气血,尤以滋阴养血为主,可进食甘平、甘凉类粮食、畜肉、禽肉和蛋乳类食品,慎食或忌食辛燥伤阴,发物、寒凉生冷食物。
That TCM, postpartum postpartum blood stasis will be empty. After the birth of a woman, most of the children show deficiency of blood deficiency or stagnation of blood stasis and other signs, on the other hand, women should feed the baby with milk, so whether the maternal nutrition supplement is reasonable is the key. Therefore, our need to know is that the body must be supplemented by a mother's diet. Food therapy, also known as food and treatment, is based on the traditional Chinese medicine "medicine and food homologous, the same work of medicine and food" theory, the purpose of choosing a certain health care or therapeutic effect of food, through reasonable cooking, to achieve health care, disease prevention and treatment, the purpose of prolonging life. After postpartum mother's diet, it should be nourishing yin and Yang and nourishing blood, especially nourishing yin and nourishing blood. It can eat Gant, Gan Liang food, animal meat, poultry meat and egg milk.


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