





In the process of sitting on the moon, it is actually a process of the mother's whole reproductive system recovery. Poor recovery will affect maternal health.
产前孕妇母体的各个系统都会发生一系列的适应变化。 产后胎儿娩出,母体器官又会恢复到产前的状态。子宫、会阴、阴道的创口会愈合,子宫缩小,膈肌下降,心脏复原,被拉松弛的皮肤、关节、韧带会恢复正常。这些形态、位置和功能能否复原,则取决于产妇在坐月子时的调养保健。若养护得当,则恢复较快,且无后患;若稍有不慎,调养失宜,则恢复较慢。“坐月子”这一段时间是产妇的“多事之秋”,产褥感染、乳腺炎、子宫脱垂、附件炎等多种严重威胁产妇健康的疾病,都可在这段时间内发生。同时,民间许多关于“坐月子”的陈规旧俗,也会给流水槽模具 u型槽模具 电缆槽模具 隔离墩钢模具 护坡砖模具 钢制闸门 螺杆式启闭机 卷扬式启闭机产妇带来困惑和压力。
Various systems of prenatal mothers undergo a series of adaptive changes. After the delivery of the fetus, the maternal organs will return to the prenatal state. Wounds in the uterus, perineum and vagina will heal, the uterus will shrink, the diaphragm will decline, the heart will recover, and the skin, joints and ligaments that have been stretched will return to normal. Whether these shapes, positions and functions can be restored depends on the health care of the mothers when they are sitting on their mothers. If properly maintained, the recovery will be faster, and there will be no aftermath; if slightly careless, the recovery will be slower. "Sitting on the Moon" is a period of maternal "troublesome autumn". Puerperal infection, mastitis, uterine prolapse, adnexitis and other serious diseases threatening maternal health can occur during this period. At the same time, many folk conventions about "sitting on the moon" will also bring confusion and pressure to the puerpera.


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