





There are so many advantages in joining the company
Professional skills
Sister Yue's sister-in-law is free, but she also missed all kinds of skills training organized by the company. And living in the employer's home for a long time, little communication with peers, naturally less new information. In addition, the low self-learning willingness leads to the loss of market recognition for professional skills limited to old-fashioned experience.
However, professional maternal and child service companies will not only provide professional induction training to help sister-in-law improve their skills in theory and practice. More equipped with a strong team of experts in various fields to escort you at any time. In addition, with the continuous experience sharing between sister-in-law, her knowledge reserves have been continuously expanded. These are all things that can't be achieved by receiving private orders.
Schedule arrangement
The private orders received by sister-in-law are introduced by regular customers, so there is often a long-term vacancy period or collision period, which can only receive 5-6 orders in a year. Moreover, most pregnant women will not be born in the expected delivery period, but will appear different degrees of advance or delay. At this time, they will conflict with their original schedule. In addition, sister-in-law will inevitably get sick or have problems at home, but no one can work for them. All of these will affect sister-in-law's personal credit and reputation.
At present, professional maternal and infant companies can manage the monthly schedule scientifically according to the system data. It is not a problem to receive 8-10 orders a year when the company's customers have a large quantity. In view of the situation that the expected date of delivery is not allowed and you are sick and unable to go to the single, there will be other month sisters who can replace the single, with strong flexibility.
Service price part
Customers mainly rely on the introduction of acquaintances, the price is transparent, and due to the lack of service value measurement standards, it is difficult to make their service prices increase with the improvement of experience. And individuals can only provide simple mother and child services, other value-added services such as breast milk guidance and postpartum rehabilitation can not be provided. In addition, when receiving private bills, customers refuse to pay and deduct the salary of sister-in-law.
However, professional maternal and child service companies will provide high-quality, system wide services. Moreover, it is equipped with perfect service value measurement standard to ensure that the salary of sister-in-law can increase with the improvement of skills. At the same time, but after joining the professional month sister-in-law company, the risk can be avoided or transferred through legal contracts and professional consultants, which can ensure that the sisters get their due remuneration after their work.
Living security
Compared with receiving private orders, after joining the company, they usually provide accommodation, insurance, clothing, etc. for sister-in-law, and some companies will provide employee welfare system, such as bonus, holiday welfare, social security, etc. Let sister-in-law's life get better care


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