





What are the sports for pregnant women?
The following kinds of exercises are usually safe for mothers, but some exercise may not be suitable for pregnant women in the last few months of pregnancy. Please consult the medical staff first and then start to exercise.
Walk: for the mother, walking is the best exercise to enhance the cardiovascular function. Walking can keep you healthy, and you don't sprain your knees and ankles. You can walk almost anywhere, except for a pair of shoes, you do not need to use any equipment, but also in the whole pregnancy, walking is very safe.
Swimming: health care workers and fitness experts agree that swimming is the best and safest way to exercise during pregnancy. Swimming can exercise large muscle groups (arms and leg muscles), which is also good for cardiovascular. It can also make the expectant mother with bigger body size feel less heavy in the water.
Low intensity aerobics: one of the advantages of taking an aerobics course is that you can ensure regular exercise at a fixed time. If you attend a course that is specially designed for expectant mothers, you can also enjoy the emotional time with other mothers. You can rest assured that every action you teach here is safe for you and your baby.
Dance: Dancing promotes the circulation of the body's blood. You can dance with your favorite music in your comfortable living room, or you can join the dance class, but avoid jumping or spinning.
Yoga: yoga can keep your muscle tension, make your body more flexible, and your joints are under a little pressure. But you may need to take a few more walks or swimming times a week while practicing yoga to strengthen the exercise of the heart.
Stretching exercise: stretching can keep your body relaxed and prevent muscle injury. You can combine stretching and enhancing cardiovascular exercise to make your body get full exercise.
Weight training: if weight training is part of your regular exercise, it is not necessary to stop after pregnancy, but most pregnant women should reduce the negative weight of training (you can increase enough repetitions to ensure enough exercise). As long as we take the necessary protective measures and reasonable skills (slow, controlled movements), weight training is a good way to strengthen and exercise muscles. But this kind of training is best with your health care doctor's consent and under the guidance of a professional coach.
How do pregnant women exercise?
1, be sure to do a good warm-up exercise
Mother because of hormonal changes will make the muscles and joints is more relaxed, if there is no warm-up exercises, easily in the process of movement caused by muscle joint injury.
Therefore, the warm-up exercise must be done well before exercise, and the cramps can be avoided.
2. Wear special sports clothes
Sportswear clothes often have the function of sweat absorption and heat dissipation, which can avoid the discomfort caused by not absorbing sweat material, and the elastic sportswear is also conducive to the body's activities and stretching.
3, the exercise intensity should be appropriate
During exercise, the rate of heartbeat needs to be less than 140 per minute. If it exceeds this range, the blood flow of the mother is higher and the blood vessel may not be loaded.
4. It should not exceed 15 minutes each time
Most people exercise for more than 30 minutes to burn fat, but the expectant mother needs to rest after 15 minutes of exercise. Even if the physical strength can be loaded, it is necessary to start exercising after a rest. This is because the expectant mother must avoid overworking and heartbeat too fast, and the purpose of pregnancy exercise is not to burn fat, but to train the whole body's muscle strength, so the expectant mother has to stop for a short rest every 15~20 minutes.
5, the water should be supplemented as far as possible in the three stages before the exercise.
Supplementation of moisture can not only prevent dehydration, but also control the speed of body temperature rise. Once the temperature of the expectant mother rises rapidly, the fetal heartbeat will also accelerate. When the expectant mother's body temperature rises by half a degree, the fetal heart rate increases by 10~20, which will increase the instability of the fetal condition. Therefore, mothers must remember to add water before, during and after exercise.
6. Avoid jumping and concussion
Concussion or jumping sports are easy to make the mother's center of gravity unstable, if slipping or bumping into objects, it is easy to cause the fetus to impact, causing contraction or water breaking, and even premature labor.
7. Avoid sports in hot weather and sultry.
Doing exercise in too hot weather may cause the quasi mother to get heatstroke. Xiao Shengwen points out that the most suitable exercise temperature is about 26 to 27 degrees centigrade.
8, after 4 months of pregnancy, no prone exercise
4 months after the abdominal eminence is obvious, in order to avoid oppression to the fetus, should be forbidden to do prone movement.
9. Do not drink cola and juice during pregnancy
Pregnant women should not be too tired during exercise. Pregnant women must not be overtired or exercise too hot. That is to say, pregnant women are not allowed to sweat. For pregnant women, the limit of exercise is not tired, easy and comfortable. In addition, pregnant women during sports drink more water, but do not only drink water, the best to add some juice and so on. Coke and sports drinks are not suitable for pregnant women.
What's the advantage of a pregnant woman's exercise
Answer: Hui Gyalo Yuesao professional teacher of Teachers
Medical research has found that pregnant women during pregnancy have many benefits for both the fetus and the adult.
For the fetus, exercise provides adequate oxygen and nutrition to the mother's brain, prompting the brain to release enkephalin and other beneficial substances.


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